My list of pet peeves grows almost everyday. It seems that the incompetency of my fellow man should just be my only pet peeve. But not everyone nor does everything annoy me. It's just the usual; stopping in doorways to have a conversation, not knowing where you're going and holding up traffic to merge four lanes at one time! I'm sure these are on every one's list. So why is it that when you leave the house each day, everyday, you seem to forget that the universe does not revolve around you? Did I forget to mention that you're not the only person living on the planet? And who decided that you're life was somehow better then mine and it's perfectly fine for you to hold me up at every opportunity you get?
Before you get the wrong idea here... I don't think anything of these things myself. I'm constantly trying to make sure that I don't get in other people's way and if by some mishap I do, I always apologize. But maybe I shouldn't anymore! Maybe I should do what is done unto me instead. F&ck the world, I'm out for just me! It's a cut throat world baby and if you don't take care of yourself no one will! That's the kind of attitude that I need to embrace.
Really that just isn't me. But this is about pet peeves and I digress. So to keep it simple and sweet I'll just leave you all with a little list of my top ten pet peeves. If you feel the need to add some please comment. I look forward to reading them all!
1. Standing in doorways!
2. Your kids and your cart take up the whole aisle at the store.
3. You saw me making my move to pass you so you speed up! That's just classy right there. It doesn't matter if I'm driving or walking it happens all the time!
4. People who wait in a long line and still don't decide what to order until they are at the register! WTF!!!!
5. Un-straighten paper that is stapled together. Really?! Really?!!!
6. Get your own supplies! Damn it! I might be a little O.C.D. and I can't stand it when you touch my things and move my stuff around!!
7. Personal space invaders! No it's not a video game although it sounds like one. It's the people who feel the need to stand to close to you.
8. Not holding the door open for someone right behind you.
9. Non-Handicapped people who use the handicapp button on the door. You really should be grateful that you can open the door yourself asshole!
10. Busybodies!! Nuff said!
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