Getting more sleep should be at the top of a lot of lists this year. It seems that loss of sleep is becoming quite a problem these days. So much in fact that drug makers have made hundreds of dollars selling sleep aids. Not to mention the amount of money that is spent everyday at coffee shops around the world! Coffee, in my opinion however, is a drink for any time of day. This might actually explain some of my sleep problems! ;)
While some people might need to take all of those drugs to sleep, I will choose to stay away! It seems that some of the side affects are worse then waking up in the morning needing an extra surge of caffeine to get through the day. Take Ambien for example...
Warnings and Precautions
Need to evaluate for co-morbid (what?) diagnoses: Revaluate if insomnia persists after 7 to 10 days of use.
Sever anaphalactic/anaphylactoid: Angioedema and anaphalyxis have been reported. Do not rechallenge if such reactions occur. (Nice! Some of these reactions end in death, how could you "rechallenge"?)
Abnormal thinking, behavioral changes, complex behaviors: May include "sleep-driving" and hallucinations. Immediately evaluate any new onset behavioral changes. (Ok I'll be the first to admit that I've almost fallen asleep while driving, but I think "sleep-driving" is different. And I'll stick to normal ways of hallucinating thank you!)
Or how about Lunesta... Sleep on the wings of an angel (sounds really nice doesn't it!)
After taking Lunesta you may get up out of bed while not being fully awake and do an activity that you do not know you are doing. The next morning you may not remember that you did anything during the night. You have a higher chance for doing these activities if you drink alcohol or take other medicines that make you sleepy with Lunesta. Reported activities include:
- driving a car
- making and eating food (do calories really count if you're sleeping)
- talking on the phone (is that like drunk dialing?)
- having sex (this could be fun)
- sleep-walking
I am also extremely violent in my sleep. Acting out some of the strange dreams I have where I'm a boxing champ, or burning someone with my cigarette. This happened on a camping trip my boyfriend was trying to wake me up and almost ended up with black eye when I tried to elbow him off of me. I've punched him in the back and smacked him across the face. I've woken up screaming in fear and crying. I also laugh hysterically. You could even hold a conversation with me.
So for now I will try to sleep naturally and when that fails I'm taking melatonin. If that fails get ready to deal with one grouchy human loaded up on caffeine! So here I come new year.... are you ready!?!
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