Last September, before we (my boyfriend and I) moved to Oregon, we made a trip back to his home town, Lincoln, NE, for a wedding. It turned into one of the best weddings that we have been to. The celebration of our friends' love is a great thing, and this couple is truly one for the history books. He is a tall lanky man, with curly unruly hair. His friends affectionately call him Frosty. She is petite, beautiful, and kind, with a voice and sister to match. Partners in every facet, both in love and in business, they spend most of their time together. On their wedding day, both are glowing in blue and orange. Colors of their favorite football team and of some of the best summer sunsets I have ever seen. The love they have for each other and that they share for their family and friends is bursting from the room. I feel blessed to be here.
Fast forward to March, and we find ourselves back in Lincoln. Sitting in Frosty and Jeni's living room waiting for them to finish with an interview for the company. We can't wait to catch up with the two of them. They had shared wonderful news on facebook of their pregnancy and I want to hear all the news. Soon Jeni enters and offers drinks and short conversation. Filling us in on how far along she is. When she is due, as if it were planned, right in between their birthdays. Both she and Frosty have July birthdays. A summer baby, and it's going to be a boy. Then enters the proudest father to be. Greeting us with those Frosty hugs that are so infectious. His smile has never been larger. Beaming from ear to ear, he retells us all the news while showing us everything he has gotten for the baby. He also regales us with the most current news on the company and his home. Which is always in some stage of upgrading as it doubles as the showroom floor for Frosty Effects. I wish we could spend a lot more time with them, but soon we needed to be on our way. We drive away with a flush from the fullness in that house. Both of them are going to be great parents!
July approaches and I find I'm checking facebook everyday for the big news. On the 10th I'm sharing in the excitement of many with the news of the birth. Two pictures of mom, dad, and baby. Robert Jordan and he is beautiful. But the excitement is short lived when the following updates from Frosty are full of dread. Something is wrong with Jeni and she is being sent for an MRI and then to the ICU. The next update from him says it all, "today is my official worst day.... I'll love you forever Jeni". Then the phone rings. It's another mutual friend filling us in. Jeni is gone. We are soon given all the information, which makes the hurt sting. No stranger to death, I'm surprised as I find tears streaming down my cheeks. How is any of this true. How could it even be possible. How?
A person could drown in that sorrow. So it has taken some time to find the beauty in the loss. Jeni spent her life loving. She was a kind heart that I wish I had known better. From facebook updates and news articles I'm learning so much about her life. In the wake of the loss she has shown us the way to heal. Through love. The amazing strength of love is what will help all those who feel her loss. And it already has. The meal train, the benefit, and all the continuing support that her family has received is quite astounding. The beauty, Robert Jordan. He will grow up seeing all the love that Jeni gave in her life. He has one incredible father who will never stop loving Jeni and Robert. Who's worst day will turn into a beautiful day. Remembering how Robert entered this world. To be greeted by both his loving parents. While Jeni may be gone, she will never, ever be forgotten.

If you would like to read more about their story I have provided a link below to a blog created for the family. Please feel free to visit.
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